The Bawling Cats

The band
Bawling Cats is a small wink to the Aristochats which are crazy about the swing and about the groove in the voice !
We are happy to play a festive and cheerful music which feels well clubs and popular evenings of the key years of the jazz Dixieland.
The directory of Bawling Cats sweeps a very wide period of the swing of New Orleans, but not only, we play what we like above all, by playing standards of Sidney Bechet, Jerry Roll Morton, Haydn Wood, Mack Gordon and so many others.
A banjo, a soprano sax, a helicon and a trombone which discuss together, as friends around a table of bar, that listens to, that exchanges, that answers, then that gets excited, looks up and down that squalls, that drinks, and then that calms down on a rhythmical stroll in accord heart beats of the good friends, satisfied to find itself and ready to share these good moments again.
We are based in Midi-Pyrénées, and we move in all France (marriages, wedding, cocktails, seminars, apéritifs-concerts…)
Emmanuel Nerot : soprano sax
Led by Bach 's studies played by his father and the records of Sydney Bechet listened to by his mother, Emmanuel learns piano at the age of 6, guitar scratches at age 15 on the songs of Maxime and the Beatles, Tries to drum on jazz-rock compositions, and later learns the kéna and the charango, plays several years in a Toulouse group of music of the Andes, alternating with his life of carpenter and then of editor in eyewear. He discovered the soprano sax and devoted himself entirely to music in 2004, going through the Music'Halle school, riding La Tormenta, the first cumbia band in Toulouse, and playing in the Garabato band and the Vacano trio. In 2014, the melodies of Sidney Bechet still present in a corner of his head, he throws a bottle to the Ariège and the Garonne to find the team that today forms the Bawling Cats.
Nicolas Laroza: trombone
Beginning music with guitar, he studied in a conservatoire and graduated with a jazz DEM. On obtaining this diploma he taught for several years in a music school and he has played in various groups, including Jazz de Paris, Ibuprofunk, Royal Roost, Ooga Chaka, les Fanflures and Triton Pêchu.
His passion for travel has lead him to several continents, exploring diverse musical styles and also being involved in social projects with young people in difficulties.
Alice Behague: soubassophone
Alice is self-taught multi-instrumentalist and has been a professional Musician since 1995.The accordion first brought her to puppet theater (Cie Pelele), street theater and comedy (Maria Dolores y Los Crucificados) but it is by starting to play brass instruments (tuba in 1999 then bugle, helicon and finally sousaphone) that she gets involved in various musical genres (Jazz, rock, funk, world, traditional, classical and even funeral music).
She participates in several brass bands (Vrack, La Marmaille, La Fanfare P4, L'Orchestre de Processions, tuba Quartet).
She currently plays the sousaphone with Les Fanflures and the Bawling Cats, and is also the accordionist of the duet En Gaouach (Occitan ragamuffin.
Hélios Quinquis: banjo
Hélios Quinquis is a professionnal musician for 25 years, he studied jazz at ATLA's school (paris) with Serge Merlot and Hérvé Legeay (Sanseverino). He plays with many Gipsy jazz bands et plays along with singers carying his swing tutch ! It was only natural that he turns to the ancestor of the jazz: jazz new Orleans with the Bawling Cats!